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Apple X NHS COVID-19 Widget

Role: Product Design Candidate Assignment (as part of the Apple Development Program)

Year: 2022

The Apple Development Program is an entry level program which I recently applied to and had the opportunity to interview. Although unsuccessful in the final stage, it is definitely an accomplishment to be 1 of 60 candidates to be interviewed out of 5,000+ applicants. The candidate selection process involved 3 Key Stages. Stage 2 required candidates to do a task (specific to the role applied) in a week; this involved designing an iOS widget for one of the three apps specified. The brief involved understanding the audience and how the problem could be solved with the widget. Also, ensuring that the widget visually connected to the app, as well as other iOS widgets. It tested flexibility, problem solving and creativity. 

Below are simplified versions of some slides from the deck. The full deck can be viewed at the bottom of the page. 

Example of development for 'Manage Contact Tracing'. View the Figma file below for more insights, development and final solutions. 

Personas were created to add context. They identified key attributes and the fundamental needs of users which widgets can help solve.

This demonstrates how the widgets change; how they are paired with another iOS app; and a solution for the challenges and worries that individuals may have. 

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